What is stress?

Stress is your body’s way of reacting to any kind of demand or threat.

What causes it?

When the body feels stress, your hypothalamus, a region in your brain signals your adrenal glands located atop of your kidney to release a surge of hormones, which include adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream.

Top sources of stress:

Job pressure, money, health, relationships, poor nutrition, media overload and sleep deprivation.

 77% of people regularly show physical symptoms

54% of people fight with people close to them 30% of people are always of often under stress

How does stress affect our body?

Long term effects – anxiety, digestive problems, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain and memory issues

What do we do about it?

1)exercise regularly which causes it to release of endorphins and enkephalins that can help boost your mood
2)eat healthy diet including fruits and vegetables which provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help maintain proper bodily functions
3)Make time for relaxation example: listening to music, going for yoga classes, working in the gardens or walking
4)Spend more time with positive people

Table shows the symptoms of the 3 harmful things that affect your body

 Negative effectsShort termsLong terms
SmokingCancers, diabetes, increase risk of infection, dental problems, hearing loss, loss of vision and osteoporosisfeelings of relaxation, dizziness, headache, decreased skin temp, coughing and bad breathLoss of sense of taste, possible hearing loss, triggering asthma, heart disease, increase risk of brain damage
Consuming alcoholLiver disease, alcohol intoxication, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure and tirednessBlurred vision, lack of control, confusion, vomiting, coma, slow breathing and low body temperatureImmune system dysfunction, mental health problems, brain and nerve damage and cancer
Illegal drugsInternal organs problems or cancer, increased aggression towards others and memory problemsGetting hangovers, anxiety, panic attacks, being paranoid, hallucinating and being depressedEarly onset Alzheimer’s, having stomach issues, damage on lifestyle and relationships