Physical health, mental health and social wellbeing

Physical health – it’s the state of wellbeing when all internal external organs are supposed to function properly.
Mental health- a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life
Social wellbeing – building maintaining healthy relationships and interaction with others

Indicators of good physical and mental health:

you will have confidence in yourself
having enough of sleep
Healthy bowl movement
Good energy levels
Healthy and dewy skin
Strong immune system

Factors affecting physical health:

Physical activity levels


Medical conditions




Consumption of alcohol and/or illegal drugs


Work – sedentary or active role

Education levels

Factors that is affecting mental health very serious:

1)Significant trauma
2)Childhood abuse, trauma or neglect
3)Drug or alcohol misuse
4)Domestic violence or bullying

About PTSD(Post traumatic stress disorder):

1)People experience linger where they have flashback where they have negative thoughts and nightmares. which causes PTSD
2)PTSD cascades into your body which causes your heart rate speed up.
3)For some people recovers from trauma within a day but others they have persistent problems.
4)intrusive thoughts, reactive symptoms
5)PTSD can lead to isolation
6)Psychotherapy can help people to overcome PTSD
7)PTSD is also known as “The hidden wound”
8)Domestic violence, car accident, illness and loved ones die which can lead to PTSD
9)escalade hormones last for weeks
10)self-care practices like mindfulness which can help combat/fight with PTSD

Factors that decrease when we have poor mental health:

Personal interests

Factors that increase when we have poor mental health:

Problems with relationships
Emotional stress
Substance abuse

Symptoms of poor mental and social wellbeing:

Mental health:

Seeming sad
Lack of energy
Negative thoughts
Low self-esteem

Social wellbeing:

Negative self-talk
Hypersensitivity to criticism
Poor social skills
Feeling of isolation
Substance abuse such as drinking too much of alcohol

Signs of poor mental and social wellbeing:

Mental health:

Mood changes
Changes in sleep
Appetite change
Feeling sad or down

Social wellbeing:

Lack of meaningful connections
Communication challenges
Low self-esteem and confidence

Benchmarks of physical health:

1)Body fat measurement


3)Blood pressure

4)Resting heart rate

5)Body composition

Measuring Wellbeing:

One to one discussion : health professionals: Doctors , Psychologists , Counsellor

Significantly others: Family , Partners , Teachers , Friends , Community and Coaches

Lifestyle indicators :

1)Consistency of emotion
2)Emotional resilience
3)Desire to succeed
4)Open communication
5)Social interactivity
6)Health status
7)Ability cope with change
8)Self care
9)Workplace health

Warwick- Edinburgh Mental wellbeing scale (Results):